
Aims and Objectives of the Association are as under:
  • To promote and encourage friendly relation amongst all the members of the Association.
  • To promote interaction amongst the alumni of the MBM engineering college, and between the alumni and the college/institute or other similar institutes.
  • To encourage the members to take active interest in the activities and the progress of the engineering college.
  • To encourage promote and facilitate education and research in various branches of engineering and technology, sciences and arts and for the advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge in such branches.
  • To award scholarships and prizes to engineering students.
  • To honour the alumni on the Silver Jubilee, Golden Jubilee etc.
  • To honour distinguished alumni.
  • To organise, establish and create sub-centers/local chapters at different places in India and abroad & affiliate them to the Association.
  • To accept gifts, donations, contributions, etc. from Alumni other persons, Association, Institutions, Companies, organizations, person or bodies with in India and abroad and State/Central Governments for the purpose of achieving the above objects of the Association.
  • To give donations and gifts to individuals, organisations or institutions and MBM Engineering College for facilitating the development in conformity with the above objectives of the Association.
  • To affiliate itself to any local, State, National & International organisation/institute for the benefit of the Association.
  • To make projects and programs for the benefit of society in general and in particular to engineering society and to raise and spend funds for them.
  • To do all such things, as may be necessary, or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects specified above.